3 minutes): lede-lantiq-bthomehubv5a_ram-u-boot.asc using the instructions for Microsoft Windows or Linux as follows. Load u-boot via serial console into the device's memory (this takes approx. OpenWRT NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID create self-signed SSL certificate Safe easy serial access without soldering, takes 10 mins (PDF)īT HH5A OpenWrt LEDE macOS Instructions - Youtube Playlist (three parts installation of OpenWRT / LEDE) Openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-bt_homehub-v5a-squashfs-sysupgrade.binīT HH5A OpenWrt LEDE Windows Instructions - serial link instructions with useful screen shots OpenWrt squashfs sysupgrade - snapshot build OpenWrt 18.06.x (modified by Maurer) - with fix for slow WAN-to- LAN performance It also includes novice setup instructions for popular configurations

OpenWrt/LEDE Installation Guide for BT Home Hub 5A - Download and study this essential 190 page guide. Lede-lantiq-xrx200-BTHOMEHUBV5A-installimage.bin Image which can be booted via TFTP to simplify the switch from OEM firmware to OpenWrt/LEDE UART u-boot (allows booting via serial console) for installing OpenWrt/LEDE.